2. I have passed your heart,not I don't want to stay,but you would not shelter. 我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。 3. Nevermind,I will find someone like you. 没关系,我会找到某个像你的他。 4. You gave me the warm,anyone will not be repla...
曲名:call it what you want 我一直是一个没什么大志向的人,总想着毕了业就马上回到我的18线小城市养老,北上广深打拼的念头当然是不可能有了。 放弃考研,不是一个简单的决定,身边人的意见反对占了大多数,违背长辈安排好的路,坚持自己所想做出选择,对我来说是一件非常...
10月31日,美国创作型女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特单曲MV《Look What You Made Me Do》网易云音乐播放量突破千万。同时,这首单曲在网易云音乐平台上获得的评论数也高达67万条。泰勒在这首歌的歌...
岳父岳母也格外中意这位女婿。 今年十一,两人回到了尹集老家,办了结婚宴。在宴席上,Nerisa用英文说了一句:“If you never leave me,I will be with you till death do us apart。”(你...
Secondly, you have to make it clear “what message you want to convey to audience”. Are you a responsible person? What’s your attitude to others as a story-teller? To a d...